
What does it mean when u dont clean your house?

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Does it mean depression...I mean what if your make sure the kitchen is clean cuz u dont want to attract bugs....

Lately I have no desire to clean... I say im going to do it but then I do I get tired easily after going to work, school and raising my son...

Idk why I am not happy about this I think it makes me more miserable..but I just dont have the energy sometimes..I cant afford a nanny...what can I do in times like this




  1. if this is not a new development then cleaning just isn't a priority for you.  if this is new, then you may be depressed.  before you freak out about your mental state however, try to make yourself do the cleaning, find something that motivates you like music in the background or something, also, get a routine going, ie:dishes on wednesday, or at 7:30 everyday, this will help to establish a pattern and a habit.  most likely, you will eventually get tired of the mess and clean it up, many people do this, they allow it to get to a certain point and then clean.  if you never meet that point, you have a problem and should look into counseling.  also, look at your life, has a big change taken place recently?  if so, this may be your way of coping, in which case this desire to not clean will pass with time.  good luck

  2. clean a piece of it and never let dirt dishes hang around. Mop the follor after a quick sweep.

  3. I get that way too.  I work 40 hours and have a little one.  By the time he gets to bed all I want to do is eat and go to bed myself.  I feel like I don't have enough time.  I clean on the weekends but I only do a  real clean clean like once a month because I don't want to spend my Saturday scrubbing after being away from my son all week.  I want to spend time with him.

  4. well im a clean fanatic but lately i have had no desire to scrub anything and i kinda let the house go a little bit:) and i feel great about it:)  

  5. Are you sure you haven't looked around for a housekeeper who maybe only comes in once a week or so? They charge like 10 an hour  and if shouldn't take one that long to do a quick clean up.

    May be your lacking IRON?  I'd go see a doctor sweetie.  Depression yes, can cause a person's body to act all sort of ways.  

    It's hard I know. I raised 4 children pretty much alone.  My house got neglected, because I was tired and having a job too, it can get to be too much.  PLUS, your also going to school.  IF you can get the depression under control, you will see that in the future though, all of your hard work will pay off.

    If you lived close, I'd offer at a very cheap price to help out! :-)

  6. If you can do nothing else, shine your kitchen sink.  Check out, they have some interesting cleaning tips and motivation for people who seemingly don't have time to clean their house.  Good luck!

  7. I think you need to give yourself a break. It sounds like you have alot going on in your life, and many responsibilities.  I would suggest you try to set up a time to do some minimal cleaning on the weekend. You, too, deserve some time just for yourself to rest between the business of your life.

    If you are seeing significant changes in your energy level, and not doing dishes for days on end, and not paying bills, and having difficulty caring for your child, these could be signs of depression. This is something you can discuss with your family doctor.

  8. I've been wondering the same thing.  I'm latina too, so I grew up in a really clean house.  I really don't know how women used to do it back then, because the only thing I can keep up with is the kitchen and the bathroom.  I have a chair in my bedroom that is stacked with clothes.  The laundry is piling up, there's just stuff all over the place and I haven't vacuumed.  It would be an embarrassment if someone were to walk into my house right now (never mind mi abuela, she'd have a stroke).  I don't think I'm depressed, I'm just a bit overwhelmed, plus it's summer time so I'm not spending a lot time in the house.  

  9. Get off yer butt and clean it up anyway, you will feel better in an organized place. Chaos sucks.

  10. It means you are tired and need some time out of the house

  11. It can mean depression...or the fact that your just plain tired. But clean your house, it can get to the point where it  can be a health risk.Ask someone to help you, like a relative. But housework can be overwhelming when your tired or depressed.

  12. In your case I would imagine that you are just worn out....make an appointment with your rule out any medical problem...such as low iron....You could also be have alot on your plate!

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