
What does it mean when ur significant other says its not working and says they'll tell u 2moro their decision?

by  |  earlier

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basically what im asking is if he didnt want to be with me then why would he want to "think" about it for a day? why not just break up with me then?




  1. He's jerking you around.  The Real question is, do you want to be with a guy who would treat you this way?  

    This is passive aggressive, he's making you wait for the big decision, the entire future of your relationship, which he and only he will proclaim, as if he's the guy who makes all the choices about how things go.  I don't think so!

    And you know that he's making you wait a day while he sees how things are going to work out with the other girl that he's seeing behind your back, right? I know that sounds terrible, but honestly, what the h**l is this "I'll tell you tomorrow" unless he's weighing his options.

    Get out.  Make it YOUR decision.  

  2. i would resolve myself to the fact that he is going to break up with me and when he has time to "think" about it and tells you . . . breathe a big sign of relief and tell him oh thank goodness, I've been struggling with how I was going to tell you that we need to break up but didn't exactly know how to tell you.  Give him a big hug and say thanks for easing my burden.  No tears now.  Those can come later if you need to.  All smiles when you are doing all of this.

    If on the other hand he comes back and said he thought about it and wants to continue with the relationship . . . this is the time for you to really decide if YOU want to continue knowing that at any given moment he could pull that trick again.

    Would like an update on what he was "thinking" and what your reply way.

  3. do him the favor and yourself the favor and break up with him. don't stay with someone who has to "think" whether they want to be with you or not. you could do better than that.  

  4. We can't read his mind, sorry. Only he knows why he'd wait a day. Perhaps he has another iron in the fire and is waiting to see what happens with that situation? Perhaps he has no time to get with you face-to-face and talk about the situation. Perhaps he's just nervous about ending it and needs a day to get his courage up....who knows?

  5. ur = your

    u = you

  6. He probably did not want to be the one with the blame, so he put it out-there so you are the one making the decision- saying the finale words for the break up.  

  7. He's a chicken ****.

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