
What does it mean when you are leading a horse and it keeps nudging you strongly? what does the horse want?

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What does it mean when you are leading a horse and it keeps nudging you strongly? what does the horse want?




  1. it could mean that he wants you to walk faster or to not stay so close to you.  If it is just after riding him/her he may be trying to wipe his sweat off on you (my horse loves to do that)

    he could just be playing with you, or trying to tell you to leave him alone and just let him eat.

    Bottom line: its hard to tell, just try to take notice to when exactly he/she nudges you

  2. It can mean all manner of things.  

    It could mean the horse is keen to get outside and wants you to move faster; the horse could be bored and just wants to see what you'll do; he could be testing you to see whether you are a push over (literally or not!).

    Although it is not maliciously meant you should try to brake the habit as it could potentially cause problems in the future: he may start pushing you harder or may actually push someone smaller over.  A horse should walk quietly with good manners at all times.

  3. when u r leading it wants 2 b awkward when it nudges tell it firmly to stop. It might want 2 play wen it is in the stable and it does it. It may be  borred

  4. It's just trying to see how you like it. Just kidding but possible. It's either a stubborn horse or senses something it doesn't want to be involved with in the direction your taking it. Horses have acute senses.

  5. If the horse is not pulling you, they are just bored and want to play a little bit.  Unless you have carrots or sugar in your pocket, then they might want that.

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