
What does it mean when you are offered an interview for another position after being rejected?

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I recently went on 3 interviews ( a telephone interview and a screening) for an entry level position in a hospital. The doctors chose another candidate for the position, but HR called me to say that they think I'm a viable candidate and should interview for the same position but dealing with neck cancer since I want to be a speech therapist. We set up an interview for the next day (usually my interviews with them have been spread out by a week or more). After this interview, I know that I will have 3 more meetings. It is for a position I really want, but is it even worth it. Do situations like this happen often? Do I have a good chance at getting the position?




  1. I would say so. Go for it it sounds like they think you have potentially and are interested in you. Don't give up yet.

  2. Go for it.  You really lucked out.  They think you are a great candidate for a different job in their business and rather than advertise, they just called you back in!!  That is great.

    Go with an open mind expecting the very best!  

    You might just leave this interview with a new job.

  3. It means that they like you.  

    You weren't REJECTED, they simply found someone they liked better for the job.  Keep in mind that the successful candidate may have been better qualified than you or it may have been an arbitrary decision.  (Perhaps the interviewer didn't like your posture during the interview, maybe you reminded the interviewer of that kid he/she hated in elementary school.)

    As a hiring manager I have found myself in a position where I felt either of two candidates would work out and, for completely arbitrary reasons, selected one over the other.  

    If you would like the job pursue it -- with a vengeance.  HR obviously likes you -- so ask them to help you get on board.  Ask if there is anything you did, or didn't, do at the last round of interviews that hurt your chances.

    Ask for specific recommendations on how to improve your chances of being selected.

    If nothing else this will get the HR people strongly on your side, which can make the difference in which candidate gets the job.

    Hope this helps


  4. I work in HR as a Recruiter for 3 large hospitals, when HR calls you back and tells you they selected someone else for the position you interviewed for but has something else they would like you to interview for, that's because they REALLY like you and don't want to loose you as a potential hire.  There are many reasons the other candidate got selected they could have more experience, or something as simple as the Doctor just liked the other person better, or this happens more than you think the doc has someone in mind but HR has to go through the process. or you interviewed for this other job and while they met w/you felt you would be a better fit for this job.  When they say a better fit they are looking at all things like will you be a good fit w/the staff, doctor and job duties.  I have interviewed wonderful people but knew they wouldn't be a good fit for a certain dept because of the attitude in a dept so I would have them interview for a different area or job they were suited for.  But clearly they are interested in you, don't for a minute think this is a waste of time.  If they didn't like you as much as they do, they wouldn't of called you for something else.  HR does the screening but ultimately the hiring manager will make the decision only the best get through HR, and if HR feels you are the best even if the manager doesn't  a good HR person will push for you and try to convince the manager why they should take you - that's are job, it's our livelyhood which we do everyday and can read people very well, hiring managers don't they aren't trained in this.  But this is a very positive thing, it happens more than people know, you only get a call back for another job is your an excellent candidate and they really liked you.  Do the interviews, forget the other job - you will probably get this one. And remember even if you don't it doesn't mean you did anything wrong or that your not a good candidate, odds are if you don't get this job, though I think you will, they will call you back again.  Be positive, this is a very good thing.  Good Luck

    HR Recruiter 10+years Hospital Exp.

  5. You were rejected on the first interview for possibly 2 reasons: You were not qualified for that position or your qualified but your personality does not fit with the current group they have. On the other side of the pendulum one of these reasons may have given your prospective employer the logic of picking you as one of the candidate for the other position...i.e. you are best suited for the latter position for whatever reason they may have.

  6. This may be similar to posters who ask if anyone has been rejected because they were overqualified. Apparently, you have some qualities which could be limiting in the first opening and make you better suited for the second position.

    Rather than a need for the applicant to follow up on subsequent openings, they are calling you. It looks good to me. Good Luck.  

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