
What does it mean when you can't view a question at this time?

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I'm new here and I have been answering some questions. I went back to see what others had said in the questions I answered and when I went to one question it said "You cannot view this question at this time". Why would I get this message?

thanks :)




  1. It means they have blocked you. TexasChainsawMommy does this all the time with people who disagree with her, then she reports you for some random violation.

  2. There are two possible reasons:

    1- You were blocked by the asker


    2- The question was deleted


    John B:  I do not appreciate your answer.  The asker just informed me she was referring to my question, but I am neither an idiot nor am I scared of anyone's opinion.  

    And for the asker:  It was rude of you to assume my son has no respect for me.  Even wonderfully behaved children have their moments, mine included.  See how well a two year old takes waking up at 6:30 am, spending a day at the Zoo, not taking a good nap and then going to a restaurant works out for you.  My son respects me quite well.  He just had an off day.

  3. It means that Texas Chainsaw Mommy is at it again.

  4. it means they feel threatened by your intelect (or lack of) so they dont want you answering their questions because youll make them look like an idiot, which they are, congrats!

  5. I read Texas Mommy's question and your answer was a little judgmental.  My two (almost three) year old can easily get worked up when he's over tired.  And she was lucky enough to have another set of hands there to help that she trusts.  The question didn't ask about her son's behavior, the question asked if you would allow your relatives to discipline your children.  

    Anyhow, if you get that message I assume she blocked you.  You get that message for two reasons, being blocked or the question was removed.

  6. It usually means that the poster who put up that question has blocked you for some reason or another.

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