
What does it mean when you can feel you heartbeat in your throat? it has been like this for over 6hrs now?

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What does it mean when you can feel you heartbeat in your throat? it has been like this for over 6hrs now?




  1. You have what is generally called "palpitations". If you have never seen a doctor about this, go to see whether you have a problem that must be dealt with. Some people learn to live with palpitations for the rest of their lives. You do not necessarliy need to go to the ER on this holiday weekend, but if it really bugs you or if you feel sick otheriwse, call the doctor now.

  2. This is not a professional medical opinion:

    But are you really nervous or anxious? Is it painful or just uncomfortable? At any rate, you should call a nurse.

  3. you have a tooth abcesss! see your dentist the pussalting from your gums jaw can increse the pulse in yoru neck or you avhe thryoidf roblems tell your doctor to check THYROID AND DENTIST

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