
What does it mean when you can hear your pulse in your ear?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just sitting here and all of a sudden started hearing my pulse in my ear. It's still going on and its just my left ear.




  1. I don't know, but good question. I've had that happen before and it's a little strange.

  2. I have that.  It's in my right ear and it's NON-STOP!  The dr says that surgery might help (50/50 chance) - with those odds, I've decided to just live with it.

    I HATE the constant noise - so I try to keep the TV or radio on because when it's quiet that non-stop noise drives me nuts!!

  3. Symptoms such as the sensation of hearing your heart in your ears, feeling your pulse in your neck, or feeling your pulse in your head or behind your eyes can be a result of heart irregularities or not be related to a medical problem.

    These symptoms are described in persons who lose the proper order of electrical activation in their hearts. For example, patients with extra ventricular beats called PVC's can have these sensations because the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles) are contracting ahead of the upper chambers (atria). This is exactly opposite of the normal sequence and can lead to blood moving backwards instead of forwards in these upper chambers. This causes the blood to pulsate in the opposite direction away from the heart through the veins into the neck, head, and ears. Some people have these sensations WITHOUT any obvious abnormal or irregular cardiac beats. Often, no cause can be found for the symptoms. SO unless you have a history of family with heart conditions or you have a heart condition then it is probably nothing...if you do have a cardiac may want to be checked out by your M.D.

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