
What does it mean when you dream a loved one is trying to kill you?

by Guest66829  |  earlier

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My girlfriend had this dream I was trying to kill her and I'm curious what that is supposed to mean.

Is she worried about something involving our relationship?

Sources welcome.




  1. Usually to dream someone we love is hurting us is related to some kind of insecurity.  Her unconscious mind is simply bringing this up to the surface.  If it were me, I would sit down with her and try to figure out where the insecurity is coming from and you might be able to resolve it.


  2. She may be at the mercy of your emotions. She could be beating herself up over something she is attached to emotionally. It could simply be the last thing she watched on tv before she went to sleep!

  3. Just means she doesn't fully trust you that's all. Which is a shocker if you ask me.

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