
What does it mean when you dream about someone who has died?

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My sister died last February 14th. I had two dreams about her..

One dream was her funeral replayed in my head after the funeral.

The second one was on memorial day, me and her riding a bicycle in the place we grew up in (the Netherlands). But she was send to the U.S. to live with her biological mom at age 12 or so and she really really missed the Netherlands and always wanted to go back but she never had the chance. She visited my mom and her biological mom in their dreams, they both had identical dreams.. And i am the third and one of the only ones who had a dream about my sister. I feel special if that's the case because she had other biological siblings and she wasn't much in touch with me since 2004.

She died mysteriously and left behind a son.. Police say it's suicide but others believe it was my sister's roommate.. In my dream i asked my sister if she got along with her, she was kind of not so sure.. But in general, what does dreams about the deceased mean?




  1. First I am very sorry for your loss. I believe that our deceased loved ones come to us when we sleep. Your Sister may be just trying to let you know she's ok & not to worry about her. That being said it could also be you subconsious mind trying to tell you something. Especially if you've spent alot of time wondering if it was a suicide, or something else that took her from you. I think you may be trying to work out what happened to her in your dreams...

  2. Remember well what your sister says in the dream.  Ask her how she died, she will tell you the truth.  Your sister needs someone to pray for her.  Read up some more on the link below to clarify.

  3. I believe two things.  You dream of them because you need to be with them...or you dream of them because they need to be with you.  I love to dream of those I've known and is yet another chance to see them.

  4. We go into stages of shock, guilt, and acceptance when a close one dies. The description points to the termination of the relationship you once held as valuable. In other words you have accepted her death as real. Now it is time to move on, this can be seen in the mention of the areas lived.  

  5. some would say it is just that you are thinking of her. others that she is thinking of you and the fun you 2 had.

  6. it doesnt mean anything you silly goose

  7. First...I'm really sorry for your loss.  And I have had dreams like this. I think that they might be trying to tell us something. Your sister could be just trying to tell you something may or may not happen. When I was having dreams were I would be having conversations with my grampa, he was telling me you need to see my mom (his mom). A few months after that she passed away. I would always ask my grampa where has he been, he would tell me oh I'm always around. Maybe you should ask your sister where has she been, why did she leave. Or it just maybe you missing her and your mind wanting to see her so bad. But maybe it's not.  Well...good luck, I hope you find the answer your looking for. And I wish you and your family well.

  8. either you miss her, and youre just thinking of her in your sleep, or perhaps you are unwilling to let her go.

  9. your sister is trying to tell you something, ask her if she committed suicide, or who killed her. she obviously wasnt quite ready to leave, and wants to feel justified in her death. you should feel complimented that she chose you, but now you are responsible for helping her.

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