I had a dream several months ago it was very real like. I was sleeping by myself in my bed and my room was exactly the same as when I went to bed (the furniture, the pictures on the wall, even the clothes on the floor, and the colors of everything was a match). I saw myself sleeping and then became myself and woke up. I was facing to the inside of the room but knew that when I opened my eyes that I was not alone in bed. I rolled over to see my boyfriend laying there facing me. We didn't touch, just layed there with our heads on separate pillows looking at each other for a while and then he told me he loved me. We just layed there for awhile staring at each other and I had this feeling like he was willing me to understand, I felt like this would be a long and hard journey. (the details I saw in the room and in his eyes and facial features was very clear.) I knew that I had to roll back over and go back to sleep and that when I did that he would be gone I didn't want to but for some reason it was what I had to do.
I can remember this with such clarity. can anyone help me understand? Since the dream we have had problems split up got back together and split up again. There has been no fighting and no drama. There have been alote of weird coincidences in real life that... are just to weird to be coincidencesences.