
What does it mean when you dream with fire??

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theres this guy i been liking for a long time and he lives across the street from me and i had a dream last night that his house caught on fire and it was spreading but his cousin put it out..and everyone was safe, no major damage....

what does it mean to dream with fire??




  1. that you like your men burnt to a crisp

  2. Fire is a cleansing symbol.  Your friend may be going through some changes (for the better I think) and you have picked up on them.  

    When ever someone begins to change there is always some one who will try to pull them back into the old system.  This may be out of fear or discomfort because when one person changes everyone around them must change too.  Make sure you arent the cousin putting out the fire.  

  3. No one can interpret your dreams or tell you what they mean. Only you can do this. Never mind those who say they can tell you what your dream "means." It only means something to YOU because you give it your personal meaning.

    Don’t bother with dream books, dream dictionaries, internet sites that tell you to look for codes or symbols or hidden mysteries in dreams. Dreams do not contain such things. Dreams are straightforward, just like your waking thoughts.

    There is always a purpose to a dream. Everything that human beings think, feel, or do has a purpose. It is part of what Dr. Alfred Adler called "the psychology of use."

    Dreams don't come to you from outside yourself, nor do they arise from your "subconscious." Once you become aware of having a dream, it’s conscious. You make your dreams up. You create them, just as you create your thoughts.

    The purpose of your dreams while you are asleep is the same as the purpose of your thoughts while you are awake. That is, to solve your problems.

    Figure out the purpose of a dream and the problem it is trying to solve, and you have its meaning. Dreams are thoughts while you sleep, attempting to solve your problems.

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