
What does it mean when you have a deja vu feeling in a place you've never been before?

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I've never seen this place before but whenever i go there i just this get this incredible familiar feeling whenever i'm there, and no there's no other place that looks like it in which i was there. Why does this happen?




  1. Try remembering those places that you might have seen from movies, magazines you have read, television shows that somehow have gone to places and made it as their story background. There are also times that you may have dreamed about it or have talked with friends about those places which you might have formed an image of it. Those are what we call stock knowledge images that stuck in your mind.

    If after all those you have thought and none of them have ever influenced your mind, then you might consider a past life which I do not want to subscribe fully because average reincarnation takes about 500 years before you could go back again to another life, It is impossible to be in a place (except when it is preserved as historical site) that have never changed its landscape within that span. With our trends of rural and urban development in the every part of the world, it will be impossible to  go back to the same place and see the same thing as it was.

  2. this question might lead you to think of something paranormal or anything like that. however, the answer is actually far from paranormal.

    the brain is composed of a huge number of neurons and each has its own function. now, the muscles in the eye are innervated by the optic cranial nerves and the impulses received by the neurons inside the eye synapse with the optic nerve and then are being integrated in the brain.

    in some cases wherein the brain receives too much nerve impulses in the eye and the memory is being jammed, the phenomenon called deja vu occurs. you are not actually have been that place but you feel that you had been there sometime in the past. this is because what you see is being interpreted together with what you remember. the brain interprets the place you see as something in your past because your memory is being "associated" or "paired" with what you are seeing. the memory i am saying is a place that has the same ambience but not exactly the same appearance as to what you see. it is a complicated phenomenon of the brain, try consulting any neurologist. or any anatomy book.

  3. you are reliving a past life.

  4. It can mean one of two things:

    1.) You were reincarnated and have a brief glimpse of your past life. So you have been there before.

    2.) There's about 1 millionth of a second between the time you see something and the time it reaches your brain. So basically everything you see is in the past. If the right and left of your brain is out of sync, than it would take an extra millionth of a second to reach the other side of your brain. Therefore you feel you have been there before in the past because, in a way, you just were.

  5. That's the definition of deja vu.

    One theory has to do with the mechanism of storing memories in your brain--a theory that the "store" gets there before the "doublecheck" and so your brain thinks you've been there before.

    Another theory is that the new memory has the same "shape" as an old memory, and so your brain thinks you've been there before.

  6. it means it's the first time you visited that place but it feels like you've known a lot about that place.sometimes it occurs into our dreams like when something happened we ask ourself it has happen before but it really happen in a dream.

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