I had a dream where I was the Prime Minister of Canada and I was giving a speech in front of the House of Representatives of the USA, explaining why the two countries (due to America's declining economy because of a recession and the onging war) should unite as part of one North American nation (I left out Mexico, but it was a dream so forgive me). Suddenly I am the President of this huge North American federation and I'm choosing my administration, but I'm trying to be as even handed as possible while picking who I really want, but this means for example because I chose Howard Stern to be on my team, that I also picked Larry King, and so I'm constantly picking both sides of extremes constantly and constantly, letting everybody have their voice, letting every side have representation, until it comes to my Party's (doesn't have a name) National Convention and all the delegates are showing up and I see that the h**l's Angels and the Satinist's have formed a coalition and these guys are walking minotaur-like guys that have horse legs and dark hair and pissed off faces and slanted eyebrows. And then the zombie's have their own delegates and they're red-skinned shriveled up hairless guys that are attacking all the other members of the Party, and I have my members of administration following me around the convention harassing and badgering me saying, "Sir! Sir! Your poll numbers are going down!"
And then I woke up.
What the heck did all that mean?