
What does it mean when you have a dream then later it becomes Deja Vu...?

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For the past few years I've been having Deja Vu and it happens alot like once every few months, I never have Deja Vu about something significant it's usually something like dropping a pencil or watching something on TV, stuff that's not very significant. But the weird thing is whenever I have that Deja Vu feeling I ALWAYS remember where I've seen it before, it's is usually from a dream I would have had a few nights before i got the deja vu, what does it mean if i dream about these things before it happens? Could I possibly be a psychic? If I am phsychic what do I do?(how can I improve)




  1. That kind of stuff happens to me too. As far as being psychic goes, everyone is psychic, its just that some of us are more sensitive than others. I know that in some cases like to have a Deja Vu about a pencil dropping can seem insignificant, but I think if you get a dream book and look up the meaning you may find a different interpretation   of what the dream was trying to tell you. That's what I do when I have dreams and it really helps.  

  2. The same thing happened to me too try to open yourself more and the meaning will come to you things became clearer to me once I learned to channel my energy.

  3. Your physic too? I have dreams about the future too! and once I pictured exactly what my friend was gonna describe right before she said it! I've been trying to improve my physic skills but haven't had much luck. WELL GOOD LUCK!

  4. you to eh (no I'm not from canada lol) yea youre a psychic too well i call it precog but whatever ,its a cool gift why dony ya google precog or precog i get dejah vu every week and i will know things that will happen every day all i do is meditate or every 24 hours soy toe with youre mouth closed  

  5. Oh man i had the same!! It happened to me also and it would be stuff like me in french class with this person to one side of me and another to the other side of me and then i would be there! Things like this can happen when you are a christian and god gives you that power. or it can just happen. try to keep your soul clean i guess and maybe it will happen more.

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