
What does it mean when you have "naked" dreams where you are NOT embarrassed?

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I can't find any dreams interpretations that explain this. What could it possibly mean? I've had three or four dreams where I am outside, naked, and my first thought is "Hmmm, I should put on a robe" or "Wow, I'm naked" but then I just don't really care, and I stand there naked, having no embarassment whatsover.




  1. Naked dreams can take various forms. Many a times the person might find himself or herself going around all familiar places in his / her life. In naked dreams the person moves around with no consciousness at all about their being nude. Some of the most common places that people find themselves going around nude are:

    1. Their home

    2. Their neighborhood

    3. Their driveway

    4. At the bus stop

    5. Their office

    6. Other public places

    At certain times, the person might be aware of his / her being naked. But, most of the times, it is observed that the person is going around without anyone paying heed to him/ her being without clothing. Other people are busy in their own world, in their own work and do not even bother to turn and look back at the person who is naked. Research show that these dreams represent the phase of life the person is going through at that point of time.

    What do naked dreams signify?

    1. Sense of fear or shame in your mind.

    2. Trying to cover something up which you think might get discovered by someone, somewhere. It might be a deep seated secret.

    3. You have the fear that someone might expose you or what your plans are.

    4. No one else is concerned about you at this point of your life and that bothers you.

    5. You might be vulnerable at this junction of your life to something or someone.

    6. You might be frightened about being caught suddenly for something that you have done or messed up.

    7. You might not be ready to face a challenge.

    8. You might be anxious about something that has happened in your life. Sometimes it could be related to some childhood experiences.

    9. According to Freud, a naked dream signifies that you are longing or willing to go back to your childhood.

    If you are not embarrassed after you discover that you are naked in your dream, it indicates that you are proud of yourself and you are a free person in your heart. You have a positive outlook towards your life. You are honest with everyone and you are trustworthy too. But this kind of dream is reported among very few people.

    What should you do?

    Try to discover what secrets you are trying to hide in your heart. Even if you don't disclose them to others, at least acknowledge these secrets to yourself and come to own and accept them.

    Don't let a sense of shame cloud your mind and heart. Try to walk in freedom from all complications. Expose yourself to yourself and if comfortable to another human being as well.

  2. You have become freer to be yourself.  In situations where you used to would have been embarrassed and shrink back, you are now more confident.  You are more likely to reveal youself to others rather than to be "tightly wrapped" and hide your true self and feelings.

    Sometimes, you wonder if you  have become a little too free.  A lot of people are not comfortable around a person who has learned to be free.  Sometimes, we have to be gentle with those who still live in bondage and are uptight about every little thing, but in the long run, our example of transparency is an object lesson to those who have not yet reached maturity to fully embrace the person God created them to be.

    Enjoy your freedom, and keep the robe nearby, just in case it's needed.  But do not let anyone steal your freedom!

  3. haha maybe it means you are comfortable with yourself and/or your body be proud :]]

    Or it could mean nothing get over it hehe

  4. You're completely carefree... and whatever challenge comes your way, you don't care, because-metaphorically- you're naked. Nothin' to hide.

  5. I would take this to me that you are comfortable in your own skin.


  6. To dream that you are naked, denotes the fear of being found out and exposed about your activities and misjudgment.

    To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity and are trying to cover up, signifies your vulnerability to a situation.

    Love & Blessings


  7. Dreaming that you are proud of your nakedness and show no embarrassment or shame, then it symbolizes your unrestricted freedom. You have nothing to hide and are proud of who you are. The dream is about a new sense of honesty, openness, and a carefree nature

  8. Take this with a grain of salt.

    When reading this, I thought about exhibitionism. Or being open or exposed..

    Being naked in the dream is alright. For example, I've had dreams were I am touching a woman. However, I know that I will decide whether or not to touch a woman like in the dream.

  9. Enjoy them.

  10. You are a naturist at heart, its a good thing, visit nudist resort you will really enjoy it.

  11. many people have dreams of doing activities (such a s*x) which they would normally be ashamed of thinking when awake. such occurances happen regularly in dreams. dreams are places where one can do anything they want, without worrying about what society thinks of them. when we wake up, we may feel guilty, but for those brief few hours, the mind can explore the areas denied to it in wakefullness

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