
What does it mean when you have the same dream over and over again for weeks?

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What does it mean when you have the same dream over and over again for weeks?




  1. Post details about your dream if they aren't too personal.

    It's probably some message, I could suggest something if you tell me what it is.

    If it has a death in it, it probably means a birth is coming soon

    if it has a wedding in it, some one is probably going to die who is close to you in some way (just how the Native Americans believed.)

    err if it's of a girl you know it's probably telling you she's the one and if you take dreams with a grain of salt, it means nothing.

  2. usually, a continued dream is due to a mental problem or concience. I don't mean that your going crazy, I mean that you may have something bothering you that you thing about during your sleep. you may not realize it yourself since your dreams are caused by the sub-conciouse part of your mind. some people claim that it could also be your body or sub-conciouse mind reacting to circumstances and creating premonitions or predictions of what will happen.

  3. your probley constipated

  4. IT is going to come to your house and make you float

  5. your obssessed

  6. That you are consciously or sub consciously thinking about something continuously.

  7. Dreams always have meanings. Everything you dream about is something that is happening in your life. You just have to think long and hard about it and pick out small things.

  8. There is a Dream interpretation section under Social Science here on yahoo that has several Users that are very good at interpreting dreams.

    Dreams can mean many things but I can't interpret them for you myself here's the link, hope it helps.;_y...

  9. It means you are playing way, way too much tetris.

  10. I wish i knew!

    I am experiencing the exact same thing at the moment, for the last couple of days now.. and what annoys me is that even if i wake up during it..when i fall asleep i start dreaming about it again!

    It is something that is really upsetting for me and I am worried about the dream because i dont want it to come true!

    Its driving me INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im just hoping that dreaming it again and again does not mean its a sign of some sort! That is just coz its on my mind!!

    Hope yours is at least a good one!

  11. Gods trying to tell u something

  12. i belive if you have the same dream 3 times, it means somthing,

  13. are you on any medication?

    maybe you are schizo

  14. Dream psychology isn't a form of psychology that is recognized by most professional psychologists, but... my best guess would be that there is something going on in your life that you're suppressing. Whether is be that you're stressed, or that you feel like you're not being as sexually active as you'd like to be, so you're fantasizing, it all varies and differs depending on the person and their situation. Throwing in the pop psych isn't something that is reliable or scientific, so the "signs" that are in your dreams, don't have a clear cut way of defining themselves like some believe.

  15. 1. You may be crazy

    2. It is an epiphany

    3. I'm not a psychologist, so I don't really know.

  16. itz time to go to a doctor :)

  17. Your either stressing about something major

    or at the very least thinking about it a lot.

    many people have reoccurring dreams. I had one where a plane slammed into the house accost the street from me. and the house changed every time I moved. Till I lived in the country and had no people living around me.

    Maybe its time you take some real life action? not that I moved to stop a dream but it just kinda happened that way.

    or maybe pick up a dream book and figure things out?

  18. and when you post it on yahoo.means you thinking about it too much :P

    think abut something different when you go to sleep,like girls,future things like mightdream about it,sometimes works,sometimes it doesnt

  19. That your in a rut.

  20. that depends see when i have a dream and then the next night i dream of it it's because it got interrupted and it's trying to finish the scene or it's just God trying to tell you something? not really sure how to answer this Sorry!!

  21. it realy ment to come true

  22. It's about time it actually happens in your real life.

  23. you might be feeling somthing like if u dreamed of for example getting caught stealing somthing and going to jail you might be feeling guilty

  24. you need to get laid


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