
What does it mean when you have very vivid and easy to remember dreams?

by  |  earlier

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For the past two weeks I have been having very vivid dreams. I can remember every detail and everything, it scares me to wake up and think it really did happen.

Does this mean anything?




  1. not to get all weird or anything......but maybe it kinda did happen? i dont know how or anything, but w/e

    also, green veggies help to get vivid dreams.

  2. dreams are the subconscious trying to cope and deal with problems you may or may not be dealing with in your life. they help us to work through issues even if we do not directly see it. most likely, your dream is trying to tell you something. but remember. our subconscious doesn't like to be direct, and you may not even be able to fathom it, but everything in your dream represents something in your  life. just sit down and really look it over. you may discover more about yourself than you realize.

              best wishes


  3. I'm not sure. You must know that dreams are just collecting and making sense of your memories right? Well, look for other good info about it at

    It may see little kiddish, but it actually provides some good info. This is only a page that links you to "i cant sleep" but if you search for anything, you will find a lot of nice info on dreams.

  4. For me, the ones that I remember the most are the ones that are telling me something.  I have plenty of dreams that I remember when I am sleeping, but when i wake up its like I never had it.  I have some of the creepiest dreams.

  5. It means it is a vision from God I get those kind of dreams and they always come true.

  6. I think it's called a lucid dream.

  7. It means that the dreams are important to you.

  8. no ur jst tinkin too much

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