
What does it mean when you hurt so bad you can't even cry?

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What does it mean when every day all you think about is how hard life is and how easy it would be to end it?

What do you do when you see nothing ahead of you but a bumpy road with a trench throught the middle?

What does it mean when you are 25 years old and feel that you have accomplished nothing...although you may have a good job?

What does it mean when you can't get over your ex, 3 months after a break up?

And what do you do when there is no way out?

For now I feel I should end it....I feel that it's my job. But when I meet my maker, He'll forgive's his.




  1. It means you really need to go to a professional dear :/. Feeling hopeless is a very difficult feeling to deal with, but, you shouldn't keep it to yourself, which is why posting it on a public forum is good. It means you're letting other people know about this problem and it's a step in the right direction. I can't make a medical diagnosis online, but, I think there is a chance you might be suffering from depression. Don't think about ending it, please don't. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and you're really not in the right state of mind. I'm sorry I can't be there to hug you, I really know that pain all too well. All I can say is, make it your priority to seek professional help. You may be uncomfortable with the idea of feeling these emotions when you have to describe them, but, it's much better than bearing the pain alone.  

  2. What your going through is called life. Everyone goes through it but its your choice of what your going to make of it. Make you bitter, or better. The choice is yours.

  3. Well, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I am not going to encourage you to commit suicide. That is a very personal decision and I am not going to try to sway you either way. People who have never been suicidal say "oh, it's gonna get better!" Or they get really judgmental. I have waited 33 years to feel better. Countless therapists, countless anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, mood stabilizers. Four stays in hospitals for attempts. So my final decision has been carefully thought out, considered, meditated on. I have come to peace with it. And this time, there will be no hospitalization. I am going to the great beyond, so to speak. However, suicide is not for everyone. And for you, maybe it will get better! You aren't going to get over a relationship in 3 months. Have you ever tried meds? Have you been diagnosed bipolar, depressed, etc? Have you tried a good therapist? Have you tried to live your life with meaning? Have you tried to reach out to other people? Please try all of these things before making such a grave decision. If you can't afford meds and a shrink, go to the county. That is what I have done. I found a good therapist who is on a sliding scale. He is brilliant, and only charges me $10. I'm just too far gone... BUT, try these things first! Suicide should be a LAST resort. It is for me. I hope you get better.

  4. It means that you seem to be suffering from depression, and should be visiting your doctor.

    There is a way out. It's called pushing through it no matter how hard it is

  5. It could mean that you're clinically depressed.  That can usually be fixed (medically).  You should seek professional help - even the nearest hospital ER would be a start.  Or a free clinic.

  6. it sounds like you are having a hard time coping with things. You need to sit down and realize how short life really is. You need to find the beauty in things, and enjoy the simplicity of things. It's time to stop moping around and enjoy life while you are still young. I don't believe in God so I'm not going to give you the whole "if you kill yourself you're going to h**l" speech..but i DO believe that suicide is an extremely selfish act and a waste of life. If you just can't find a way to enjoy yourself at all I would suggest seeing a psychiatrist and getting on an anti-depressant.

    By the way, it's normal to still have feelings for your's only been 3 months! Give yourself time to heal. You need to surround yourself with friends and/or family.

  7. You know that saying that you are what you eat. then I think we are what we think. If a person dwells on only what is bad then that person is calling bad things to themselves.

    Look you woke up. You are already one ahead of some people. Plus you ate or could have if you had wanted. You have a home with indoor plumbing. you can see what God has made for you every day. Plus you can hear and feel the breeze. so many thinks to be thankful for. Look only for what is good in your life. To make a long trip you have to start with one step at a time So start now on a different trip and look to be happy.

  8. Fill in the trench and wear shoes while your walking over the bumps, you can take them off when you get to the beautiful white sandy beach your headin for,

    Get a thought in your head, one that you love, your ideal day, something that calms you, thats realistic, a goal. (That doesn't include your ex) and everytime you feel really bad, focus on that thought. You are your own mind, your thoughts make your future. People can give you advice, lead you in the right direction but they cant fill in that trench for you, they can help you put on your shoes to walk over the bumps but they cant walk for you.

    You are stronger than you know you are. It's all in there it's just not being used properly, you are wasting all your energy on bad dark thoughts.

    Do me a favor, SMILE for nothing. Smile over and over, picture that good thought, dont let it go.

    Theres a new life waiting for you, you gotta go get it.

    I wish you all the luck and happiness the world has to offer.

    I have been there done that and come through the other side.

    And may i add, i am so so glad i did. And you will be too. xo

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