
What does it mean when you keep falling in a dream??

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please be as detailed as possible & thanks for all of the help!! =)




  1. It means you don't know where life takes you, and your very uncertain about your future.

  2. I really don't know what it means.  Maybe different things to different people.  When I was little, I used to have a recurring dream about being in an airplane crash.  After entering the military, I was in a plane crash and never had that dream again.  I've heard tell that it could mean the peron's life and goal are in turmoil, and the falling represents a helpless feeling of not knowing what to do, or that a person is seeking help in a situation and no one is helping.

  3. my friend studies dream magic it means your about to like litterally fall or collapse. or it means your going to go down in something like maybe prices will go down in something (like the prices of gas for example) or it could mean theres going to be a fall in something else like if u own a buisness the rates could fall or something like that think what could like "fall" in your world

  4. this is kinda dumb, but you reminded me of it. i heard that only people with "bipolar disorder" actually fall in their dreams. like, most people wake up right before they hit the ground, but not "bipolar" people. stupid, right?

  5. i got this from a site  .... but i hope it solves your problem!! =D

    A very common dream action generally symbolic of some basic fear in the dreamer's life, such as fear of a moral lapse, job failure, sexual inadequacy, loss of status, etc.; however, the prophetic meaning of this dream is, strangely, very similar in that it indicates setbacks but modified by the details of its action. If, in your dream, you fell a long distance, you can expect the reverses to be general and fairly severe; however, if you landed without hurting yourself, they will be upsetting but quite temporary. If you hurt yourself, you should be prepared to endure some real hardships for a time. To fall from a medium height signifies a loss of prestige; to fall to the floor (as from a standing or sitting position) is a warning of danger from false friends. If your dream involved others falling, it indicates triumph over enemies; and if you fell but got up again, you will overcome the obstacles in your path. To fall into water means financial stress, but the water factor and condition must also be considered.

  6. it means the fluid in your ears which registers balance is signifcantly more viscous because of dehydration - most likely because of caffeine.

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