
What does it mean when you puke up blood that is more than 4 tablespoons?

by  |  earlier

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I am puking up blood but there is not any blood in my bowel movements. I am scared and do not want to go to the E.R. but if its serious then I will have to go!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!




  1. Please go to the ER, no one on Yahoo answers can actually help and diagnose you, we can only give advice.

    You may possibly be bleeding eternally and not realise it.

    Puking blood isn't normal and can be serious.

  2. please phone the hospital.  Thats not normal.

  3. I am surprised that you have the wits to get on Answers with the panic you must be feeling.  Going to ER will quickly ease your mind and get your problem under control.  Focus on getting there and not on the blood you saw.  That is always un-nerving.  

  4. you need to go to the  doctor.~!

  5. well there is a difference between puking blood and just coughing it up, coughing it up USUALLy wont be anythign serious, but if your puking it it could mean a number of different things, either way you should probably go to the doctor, better safe than sorry

  6. Coughing up a small amount could be related to nasal bleeding, but that amount seems pretty serious.  I'm no doctor but I think you should seriously consider going as soon as possible.

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