
What does it mean when you remember your dreams?

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I almost always remember my dreams.

and when I dream I dream in color not black and white.

what does this mean?




  1. I remember 95% of mine because they are soooo weird-I not only dream in color-I dream in extreme detail-furnishings-pics on the walls-even down to the wrinkles in faces----but sorry not sure if it means anything-I think it's because in real life I'm curious and like to know details so it may carry over into my dreams-r u a naturally curious person?  :)

  2. I do not think it is strange to dream in color. I dream in color more than I do in black and white.

    First of all, I am sure you do NOT remember all your dreams. We do not have just one  or two dreams every night but plenty. The problem is if you are in deep sleep, you may forget them. You usually remember the dreams you saw just before you wake up.

    What I would suggest to you is:

    Write down your dreams. Keep a journal and if something happens during those days which you can relate your dream write it down. You may notice a pattern.  Let me you an example:

    I was on a white yatch with my friend Irene. We had left a very old looking boat back and took off. The ocean was as clam and beautiful as ever. Till here my dream was in color.. Now it became black and white I saw a very thin lady, sitting in a balcony smoking a very long cigarette.  She was telling me about her son who was a successful designer.  It looked as though I was in the 1940's. I was in PARIS listening to her speak to me about this person.

    What happed in reality?

    I had the chance to take place in a contest that involved designing. I didnt take my chance. The day in which I woke up from this dream was the deadline for this contest. After seeing this dream I realized I had to  take part. I called and had three hours to get where I had to so I can give in my portfolio. (White yatch in my dream speeding thru the ocean).  I believe in Saint Irene Chrisovalantou remember I saw a friend Irene. SO I was running like crazy to meet the deadline which was ending in three hours. The outcome? I won a scholarship and traveled to Paris where I was attended two fashion shows.

    My point is: it is really best to figure out the pattern of your dreams. What I believe dreams mean, may be something completely different from what others believe.  

  3. i dream in color too, doesnt everybody??? and i usually remember significant dreams, and i know a lot of people have said they arent able to run in their dreams, but i can run wicked fast when i was playing hide and go seek in my last dream

  4. I rember mostly all my dreams it uasally means little I think ever1 dreams in color If you rember somethin speccific like a date or time or person then u should really like look into dream interpitation like soo..

  5. i remember mine cause i can control what i dream most of the time... weird isnt it

  6. That your normal. Dont worry one day you'll wake up and have forgotten a dream.

  7. Ahh, I get that too. It creeps me out

  8. Many years ago, I was told that if you dream in color then it is not a dream, it is something that is happening to you. You might be sleep walking! I think I would do more research on the subject of dreaming in color.

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