I notice sometimes that when I am talking and the t.v. is on and my talk is serious stuff like family or people that have passed on and I am talking to a friend or whomever is there, that the t.v. starts to repeat my sentences and words after I say them. It doesn't happen all the time, only sometimes. I'm not a nut, so don't say "get a life" or "go to the hospital" or "freak alert", but the other day I was watching t.v. and talking to my boyfriend who is a director and as I talked to him seriously about a subject, the t.v. started to mimmick my words and even the director was looking and saying "wooooo"... He usually says "You are a nut case", but this time he was listening too then got scared, so I know it is something wierd and electro magnetic, so what do you guys think? Anyone have same thing happen to them????? Don't be mean or don't bother answering this serious ghostly question.