
What does it mean when you see a coyote in a cemetery and it walks over my deceased husbands' grave?

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What does it mean when you see a coyote in a cemetery and it walks over my deceased husbands' grave?




  1. It means the coyote was taking a short cut

  2. Men are Selfish *

    that is why  [ GOD]

    RULES *

    He  brings the shells

    from the sea,,

    as if in DEBRIS *


    [with life *

    so on  *

    with my  BEA-CH *

  3. It could just be his totem visiting.

  4. it doesen't mean a thing

  5. It means you have to tell the groundskeeper to call animal control.

  6. it means a coyote walked over the grave... it doesn't mean anything

  7. They need a new fence.

  8. It could just be his totem visiting.

  9. I would have to agree with the majority here, it doesn't mean a thing. I would put it out of my head if I were you, your grief is enough to cope with without the extra worry about an *Urban Myth*.

  10. It doesn't mean anything, it's just an doesn't place any significance to where it is, only you do.

  11. the coyote senses loving vibrations form your husband's soul.animals sense alot of things,like weather patterns too.

  12. i agree with "just me" - tell someone to call animal control.  i don't know if you are asking figuratively or literally - but i don't think it means anything "creepy" if you're talking in that sense.  i've never heard of that anyway.

  13. the same as if you saw a cat l*****g it's paw on the front porch.... nothing.  You need to see a therapist.

  14. If the cemetery unfenced and in an area where coyotes are

    known to inhabit - NOTHING other than the coyote was taking a short cut.  If in an area where there are no coyotes I agree

    have someone call animal control.  DO NOT APPROACH <<<< IT IS A WILD ANIMAL.

  15. It sees dead people.

  16. Just don't worry about it. Your husband is dead either in his grave being tortured by have the pitch black dark grave get tighter and tighter until his rib bones overlap each other and he is being questioned by two angels about who is God? Who is the messenger? What is the true faith (religion)? And other angels torturing him in all kinds of ways unimaginable to the living. Or on the other hand he could be in a wide vast roomy well lit  grave awaiting his the Day of Judgment so that he may finally see God and the Prophets and Enter into heaven where he may live eternally in complete happiness. Something which can never be found in this life. Nothing is eternal in this life. There is no such thing as full and complete happiness. Do not live for this life, Live for the next. For this life is short and the joys of it are only temporary. The next life is eternal and depending on your actions it will either be Fire or Heaven. Make you choice before its too late.

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