
What does it mean when you smell cigar smoke and no one smokes?

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This is weird and people will think I've lost it. We have just moved 150 miles from the house I grew up in. My father died in March 2 years ago. He did not smoke but shortly after he died I started smelling strong cigar smoke in my bedroom. I woke one night and saw a man standing where my computer tower was. When I blinked to clear my sleepy vision he was gone. He was wearing a brown plaid wool jacket. Dad never had a jacket like this that I know of. Mom sold the home place and we moved here 2 months ago. Last week while working on line the strong smell of cigar smoke returned. Am I losing it?




  1. Ok I am glad o stumbled on this - we just put a new addition on our home and ever since we brought in furniture to our dining room I smell cigar smoke constantly- no one else smells it.  The furniture is preowned but the one and only owners never smoked- my husband thinks I'm nuts but the smell is making me crazy. I even put in one of those intermittent spray air fresheners and it has done no good.  I smell the freshener -just on top of the cigar smoke.

  2. You are not alone.  I smell smoke at my work place and it's prohibited to smoke inside the buidling.  No one smells the smoke except for myself.  The building is fairly new 4 years old may be 5 at the most.  The other odd thing is sometimes I will smell it in my car and sometimes at home.  The smell of smoke varies...sometimes it's very strong and other days it could be very light.  I don't know what it is.

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