
What does it mean when you work out and your muscles start shaking?

by Guest33450  |  earlier

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This is never really a problem when i start working out (for example i started 2 weeks ago working out every day) but then yesterday and today, i've been working out and like when i was doing repetitive lunges, my thighs started shaking and feeling like jelly. my abs do this too lately when ive done situps. arms as well.




  1. the workouts working :)

  2. some muscle shaking is a result of dehydration.

  3. look dude i lift alot and i shake all the time id sugest just grabbing a qick snack with loots of carbs like a banna or somthing will help u steady yourself

  4. Shaking muscles normally indicates that your are surpassing the 'comfortable limit' of your normal workout, including more weight, more reps, or longer exertion.  The muscles are wondering if they should contract or release, causing a shaking motion.  It's okay to shake, but if you are afraid of losing control of the bar/motion, you should surpass your 'comfortable limit' a little at a time each time you go to the gym.  Good luck.

  5. You're exhausting yourself. Slow down and start taking vitamin B12 complex.

  6. Sounds like you're just overworking them. It's nothing to really work about, as it isn't necessarily dangerous. I suggest that you stop working  out for a day or two so you can allow your body to heal itself properly. Once your muscles begin to heal and fortify themselves for the jobs you are giving them they will handle the workouts much better. Stay hydrated, and allow your muscles to heal, the shaking should stop.

    This will only work however if you are training them to stay at one physical level. If you continue to increase the difficulty of your workout they will continue to shake.

  7. you are growing muscle it happens to me to

    dont worry its normal

  8. i think thats normal and harmless

    its supposed to be the muscles being strained or something..

    but its not bad for you. youll probably just be a little sore after

  9. It's acid building up in your muscles.

    Here's site that I found that explains.

    If your working out you shouldn't workout everyday.  When you workout your muscles tear, and when they heal is when you actually gain muscle.  So after working out you should give your muscles a break of 1 or 2 days.

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