
What does it mean when your Girlfriend hasn't called you in 2 days??

by  |  earlier

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when normally she calls you everyday and wants to be around you, text you on a daily basis and comes to your house and all of a sudden it stopped with no explanation?




  1. well....maybe she's run out of credit, she's ill....etc, perhaps you could be so kind as to visit her...who knows...

  2. Something might have just come up, she might be busy.  You should contact her to ask her why.  I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet.

  3. hi

    how long have u guys been goin out?

    maybe shes come to relise that maybe its her putting her all into the relationship maybe she feels you should call her for a change

    if this is the case just call her see how she is and maybe ask her straight out 'babes why havent you called latly?' there mite be a simple explination

    hope i helped

  4. Hmmm I'm guessing she ain't feeling you anymore. That's the same thing I use to do, when I was bored of the relationship I would up and leave no questions asked.

    On the other hand have you checked to see if she's ok...I hope nothing terrible has happened.

    If she did leave you then look at like this, that's one less flaky unstable person you have to deal with.

  5. well as to being a girl magnet as my self lol i know that girls intend to feel as if their doing all the work to visiting you and calling and texting if she asked you to go somewhere and you say no or lets do this instead or even tell her just come over instead your putting the girl down go somewhere she wants do things she likes to do if you don't have a car ask someone then if no one can then save alittle more money and get a cab pick her up you have to show effort in the relationship if not she gonna get pissed more and edgey u cant expect her to do everything its a 50% 50% thing you know well glad i could help ( best answer) ?  :0)  

  6. I guess it means 2 things...She doesnt like you anymore...or she is too busy or on vacation or something...

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