
What does it mean when your girlfriend rarely says I love you???

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What does it mean when your girlfriend rarely says I love you???




  1. it usually means that she does love you but she says it so rarely because she has to find the right timing you cant just yell i love you & mean it :) i hope your relationship goes over well P.S dont tell her i love you if you dont mean it  

  2. It probably means she only says it when she really feels it.

  3. more then likely its when she feels you need reminded! or when she feels that she has not said enough! or when she feels there a specal moment and she want to show how she feels!

    you can never say i love you enough! but some people fel saying to much  makes it less meaning full! she may feel this way! just aappreciatethe times she does say it! as clearly it makes them more specail!

  4. There could be many reasons: (1) She does not feel it yet (2) She does not love you (3) She is afraid it will drive you away..many women reveal how they feel and the majority of men will run a mile despite what you men think or say (4) She does not want to say it in case you dont say it back (5) She is afraid it will lead to committment...In my opinion and experience I would rather think its number 3.

  5. Differant strokes for differant folks.

    I have a friend who's been with her boyfriend for a year and still doesn't love him, bizarrely. Me and my girlfriend love each other very much and tell each other a lot.

    If she tells you she loves you, it's most likely she DOES. Maybe it's early in the relationship and maybe she doesn't really love you. OR MAYBE she just doesn't like to say it all the time, some people just aren't lovey dovey!

  6. sometimes girls only like to say it at a special time when its right because it means more to them than to just say it 24/7

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