
What does it mean when your hamster goes into heat?

by  |  earlier

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well my hamster had white cream around her "area" and people are telling me that she is going into heat, what does that mean?!




  1. It means, if you want to make babies, stick in the male.


    It means she's having her hamster period.

  2. it means that she wants to mate basicly and that she is fertile for about 12 hours (that how long she in heat for)

    they come into heat every 4 - 5 days or so nothing to worry about its normal

  3. It means it has sent its picture into Heat magazine and it got published.

  4. she is having her peirod

  5. she's having her period

  6. it means its in season for s*x !

  7. When a hamster goes into heat, it means she has started her period( menstrual cycle) and that she is eligable to have babies.

  8. When they go into "heat" it means that the female hamster is ready to mate,if a male was put in she probably would except him,where when she not in heat or season she would attach him!

    Like when a dog or cat comes into heat. A hamster heat cycle is roughly every 3-5 days so this will repeat in 4 or so days time.

    If the season/heat period doesn't stop take her to the vets because think white stuff coming from her private area can mean health problem such as "sludgy Bladder" This is a bladder infection or the hammys Womb can rarely fill up with puss.So just keep an eye on her,though it just sounds like her heat cycle.

    Hope this helps. x*x

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