
What does it mean when your mental state constantly shifts?

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I'm asking because my mental state continuously shifts from day to day or sometimes hour to hour. I'm only 21 and I feel that my anxiety is threw the roof, and I can't seem to get a grip. I constantly have feelings of self loathing and have a fear of trying certain things because I believe I will just F-u-c-k- it up. I have seen 2 therapists but i stopped going because I figured they were just after my money. I've talked to my parents but they don't believe me because I'm usually very quite and my mom had a kid at 19. So she always uses that example when I have a problem. I'm just so sick of feeling like $hit all the time, for no reason either. It something that I have been trying to get over for a while but its just so hard. I just feel that I have no self worth, and I think it has continuously gotten worse because I don't talk anyone about it. My therapist once asked me when the last time i was really happy, I didn't have an answer for him. I told him that I have spent so much time being miserable i really don't know anything else.




  1. Bi-polar

    See a "Psychiatrist"

  2. You need to find a therapist that you feel comfortable talking with, and not one that seems indifferent.  Have you tried medication?  I have many of the same problems and it's hard to deal with them on a daily basis, but I've gotten used to it.  If I had the money I would see a therapist or get medication, so I think that if you have these tools at your disposal, something that could possibly help, you need to use them.  You also need to talk more to your mother about this and try to convince her that it is a problem, and maybe if she realizes that it is serious she will help you.  Good luck.

  3. That sounds like it's possibly bipolar disorder.

  4. i'd say try the things you fear man, without ruminating, you'll be honouring yourself if you do, and I'm sure you'll feel better and more balanced about yourself if you do. Therapy can foster illness behaviour, and i think you can either let life beat you down or stand up fight it. It can take a while to chillout. Step by step man. good luck.  

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