
What does it mean when your on your period ?

by  |  earlier

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and when your first start for the month and you bleed brown blood?

iv had my period for 3 years




  1. it's normal..dat happens at the beggining and the end of it.

  2. it means your growing. lol.

    every [normal] woman has their period.

    its brown mayeb because of a discgare or is you wear your pad for a long while. it happens all the time.

    dont worry. ;]

  3. menstruation..

  4. ok, im hoping that since youve had your period for this long you know what the purpose of a period is..? and it will usually last for about 3-5 days, sometimes longer. when you're on your period though, it's not pure blood that comes out. there's tissue from the lining of your uterus that is expelled also. this is what is brown. or, it could just be dried blood (which turns brown after air exposure)

  5. brown blood- old blood, some of the previous months

    when you are on your period your body makes ready for a baby

    plz answer mine

  6. okay so here's how it goes:

    blood inside your body is actually BLUE. (yes, blue)

    when oxygen hits it, it turns bright red, which is what

    you might see in you underwear/on your pad when you go

    to use the bathroom. that's fresh blood.

    brown blood is blood that's been sitting there for a while

    and the oxygen has turned it from red to brown.

    it's perfectly normal. (:

  7. When you're on your period it means that you are menstruating not to get into details but its when you bleed.

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