
What does it mean when your tongue itches?

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What does it mean when your tongue itches?




  1. Are you talking about when one of the little buds pops up and starts itching like crazy?

    That means you are DEHYDRATED.

  2. you need to scratch it

  3. You could have thrush as you can get it in the mouth. Is your tongue and throat coated or look a bit pale? Doc will prescribe lozenges to get rid of it. Can happen if you're on antibiotics.  

  4. It means you could be having an allergic reaction to something you ate or drank.  Make a mental note of what it was.  If it happens a second time you consume it - just don't eat it.  

  5. perhaps a food allergy.  My tounge itches when I eat foods that I am allergic too and sometimes when the pollen is tremendously bad outside ( I have an allergy to pollen) it will itch as well

  6. Just nerves.

  7. I wish it meant money would be coming but no.. your tongue itches.  

  8. I think it's caused by allergies.

    I suffer from spring allergies and my tongue itches, along with my nose, ears, eyes.

  9. It is an allergy, either from pollen, or something you are eating.  

    It is not really serious unless it interferes with your daily life.  

  10. Have you been l*****g someones s*****m by any chance?

  11. Allergic reaction

  12. Allergies.....

  13. there is something wrong and you should go see a doctor.

  14. it means your tongue is itching.

  15. Inoperable brain cancer, usually.

  16. You're actually drunk and you are misinterpreting a spicy/burning feeling with an itchy sensation.  Been there, done that... haha

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