
What does it offer and what do i need?

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I am thinking of emigrating to Australia in 3years time. Please can I have some information on the beneficial sides of leaving for Australia and what it wouls have to offer me?




  1. the question you should be asking yourself is 'what can i offer australia?'

    you need to be able to offer them something in return for letting you live in their country. it isn't like over here where they just let any tom, d**k or harry in!!

    good on 'em, i say.

    if you get in, tell them i'm a long lost relative of yours and invite me to stay with you please!!

  2. with immigration today its what you can offer Australia

    to qualify you must be a skilled worker in a field Australia needs and you must pass a points test to qualify

    points test

    skilled occupation list

  3. as said what can you give to Australia?

    you wont get nothing for nothing here

    BUT if you have skills needed in AU this country has a lot to offer in return

  4. most of the people who come to australia from the uk get sunburned. i expect that you probably will too. you need sunscreen, there is a big hole in the ozone layer, something rated at least 30+, water resistant, and long lasting. you will need to apply it in the winter as well as the summer.

  5. my partner emigrated five years ago.

    there is better work opportunities for him here and more space to breathe.  the weather is a bit nicer (he is from newcastle so he was used to reasonable summer weather).  

    on the downside, he winges about:

    *appalling driving

    *disgraceful road signage and systems - due to the lack of population density and therefore lack of road taxes going into the massive road infrastructure - i agree with this

    *how expensive SOME things are (such as RAC / AA membership)

    *the lack of choice at the local supermarket

    *the badly insulated houses and the fact that double glazing costs an absolute fortune

    *most people simply can't 'walk to the local' as the low population density means the nearest local is not in walking distance

    *no sunday trading (in WA)

    *backwards tax system

    *no *free* health services for citizens (but the majority is govt subsided unless emergency when it's free)

    hmmmm, i'm not making it sound too nice!  it's a great place if you enjoy the slower outdoorsy lifestyle.

    it is a lovely country but we are experiencing massive population growth at the moment.  things may change considerably in the next three years.

  6. You probably wont get better quality of life in Australia than Brittain, I mean in taxes and politics and such. You might get a better quality of life by a different life styleyou choose here. Taxes are pretty high and gas, food, intrest rates are all going up but probably just the same in Brittain. I love living here but its a great country.

    You can get a fair bit of money doing something where theres a skill shortage but i dont know about graphic design.

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