
What does it really mean to waste electricity?

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I was just thinking about it the other day. I mean, since I was young, I always try to avoid "wasting" it, but lately I've been wondering:

What does it really mean to waste electricity?





  1. This scam is so they can raise the price to what they think it should be . This could mean we could charge the Black's more just because they want to. Or charge different rates depending on your home or location. Most of this will be loaded on the backs of the poor.

  2. when u r not using it turn it OFF !

  3. I think "to waste electricity" means "to use more than you need".

    Unplugging the appliance (all appliances, lamps, tv, computer, etc.) when not in use saves electricity and you can see that happen by looking at your meter and electricity bill.

    Open your windows more.  Make sure your windows are calked well and use insulation, etc. etc. and that would be saving electricity (the opposite of waste is to save).

  4. It means leaving the lights on or the TV or radio or anything that uses electricity on when you aren't using it.  Remember that SOMETHING has to power your electricity.  It could be nuclear power, it could be coal or another fossil fuel, so really when you are wasting electricity you are wasting an energy source that is potentially damaging to the environment.

  5. If you can think of electricity as an extension of the finite natural resources of the planet being used up in one day rather than a hundred years, the saying about the lights are on but no ones home starts to make sense.

    Our life of abundance in America does a poor job of teaching conservation and fairness. If we had six people going to a party and a cake cut into six pieces, is it OK for the first two people that arrive at the party to each eat half the cake?

    That's kind of like what we are doing today with our wasteful consumption of natural resources, at the expense of those who will follow us in the future.

    You could say a light left on today will leave someone else in darkness tomorrow.

  6. Well, whenever you use electricity to turn on a light or run a tv/ac/blender or whathaveyou. whatever powerplant is supplying it has to work extra to produce that extra electricity.

    But when you leave things on for no reason, like say leaving lights on when you go outside, the powerplant is STILL working to supply that extra energy even though no one is around to use it, so it's essentially being wasted on nothing.

  7. Basically, when you leave anything running and you don't used it.

  8. your 2 first answers are correct i would just like to add that most appliances use standby power. so that when they are plugged in they are always using power weather you are using them or not

  9. Not using it, turn it off.

  10. Running air conditioning too cold,heat too high,too many lights on in the same room and no one is there.When you leave home say for extended weekend or vacations cut off hot water heaters,turn off furnace pilots in summer.Unplug coffee pots,toasters,microwaves-Turn off porch lights in the daytime,just simple things really but they save you lots.

  11. have you ever had the A/C on, the TV on, lights on and no one was around to enjoy them. when all of these items were left on and no one there, that is wasting electricity..........

    period, nothing left to say..

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