
What does it say about a man if?

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Him and a woman have s*x and they alway get satisfied but he can last 15-20 minutes during actual lovemaking.

This 15-20 minutes doesnt include foreplay.

My 1 guy friend said a real man like him can last an hr or more.




  1. try to find a way to last longer. and even after cuming, do some more foreplay until u get a ***** again. then continue ur sexual experience

  2. Your friend says "a real man like him can last an hr or more."

    Remember - us guys tend to put each other down for all sorts of reasons, sometimes seriously and sometimes not.  Could be he's trying to brag on himself.  An hour does sound exceptional, unless he's using artificial means to keep things going.   As other people have said, if you both enjoy the s*x you're already having, why worry over whether it could be "better"?  :)

    @pgarox:  It may be true that younger guys should work on self-control.  That's not a sign of being inconsiderate or insensitive to their partner's needs, any more than an older guy's trouble "starting" in the first place is a sign that he's inconsiderate or finds his partner unattractive.   No reason to insult the lady's guy when he's making sure that "they alway get satisfied".  Have some class, dude.

  3. it says it all. First  ake your queisuton clear

  4. Practice makes longer and more can also mean that he is very tired or stressed..

  5. Your 1 friend is a tosser:he probably needs Viagra to get it up himself.

    And about the couple that get satisfied both after 15-20 minutes:great.

    And your friend probably does not even have a g/f.Just bragging.


  6. Learn this, Debra:  Young boys and young men are nerds and geeks.  They have zero self-control and are not considerate.  This is why they last, like, 10 seconds.

    Older men, because they are mature, have become more sensitive to their lovers' needs, and they have developed some self-control.  This is why most older men should and can last much longer than the geeks you're attracted to.

  7. just as long as you get the job done it doesnt matter how long you take. everyone is different.

  8. it depends if he ejaculates b4 or not if he dosent that will get a few more minuets and the first time he wont last long just b cuz and after that he will last longer if he gets his head in the game.

  9. its probably about average. sometimes i can last an hour+ but other times i *** in about 15 min. he should learn how to hold his nut

  10. it varies, i normally last 20-30 minutes but can go on for over an hour

  11. If you both get satisfied, then i'm not seeing a problem. 15-20 minutes seems like good time to me. Maybe some people can go an hour. But how long you last does not determine your manhood.

  12. not normal!!! you would be so tired after that, try 5-10 mins or 10-15....

  13. A man is determined by his character; not his p***s.

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