
What does it say about a political party who nominates someone based on race and not experience or sincerity?

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Why can't Democrats see that they are being bamboozled?




  1. what does it say about McCain who nominates a women to get the Clinton votes and not base on any issues?

  2. blinded by the wright.

  3. why cant you see your pathetic arguments bear nothing?

  4. Jade C, I agree 100% with you.

    Probably nothing btw.

  5. Dems have a sincere candidate, repubs don't, so you tell me.

  6. Many of those in the party are now the ones who are angry because McCain nominated a woman.

    On top of that, Obama picked Biden because he is a catholic that spent the first few years of his life in Pennsylvania. Whether it be race, gender, religion, states they can bring, or other demographics in play, there will always be VP selections that will be criticized for trying to play to one demographic.

    The Presidency is different than the VP. Like you said, the party nominated this gentleman who doesn't necessarily have the resume to determine the manner in which he will govern. We aren't really able to make an informed decision because much of his past is shrouded in mystery. We can only infer who he is by his relationships and his voting record, excluding all his 'present' votes.

    Dems, and the whole country, are being bamboozled. Obama is not running this show. There is a group of elite 'Progressives' who operate on an international scale who are pulling the strings (i.e. George Soros and a network of international socialist groups). Howard Dean (who is a socialist with strong affiliations to international socialist groups)* and the DNC ran the convention and are controlling the party's platform or policies.

    Obama's handlers have changed his image, Michelle's as well, to appear more mainstream. This is the largest Presidential marketing campaign ever, they are trying to sell his personality and masking his ideology. This is deceptive and begins with the assumption that Americans are stupid when it comes to politics and politicians, which I think is a huge mistake and will back fire on them.

  7. It says they are a shallow, gullible group of people.

  8. I am not got going to hold the fact that McCain is white, or that he finished 895 out of his graduating class at the Naval Academy against him. Not much anyway...

  9. I thought Palin was Republican.

  10. You're saying John McCain is sincere? He flip-flops on so many issues no one knows what he really stands for.

    You're saying John Mc Cain is sincere? Just like John Kerry, his war record has been inflated and exaggerated. 28 metals for 20 hours of combat flight duty? The metals coming because his daddy was an Admiral? Claims of torture that his fellow POWs said never happened, and on and on.

    Dude, Obama was not selected because of his race. That's like saying McCain was selected because of his race.

    And while we're at it Kennedy, Eisenhower and many other presidents were elected without a great deal of experience.

    Try staying on the issues and keep this election clean. That is, if your side has any real issues worth voting for.

    (Thumbs down never changes the truth. Sticking to the real issues means taking a moral stand. Are you up to doing the moral thing?)

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