
What does it suppose to mean when you see a falling star?

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Knowing that most people would say that all of this is a myth but...

It's funny because two years ago my career was on the rise and one late night I was walking ocean beach close to my home in San Francisco and I saw the biggest and brightest star that I had ever seen and it just crashed into the deep blue sea.

Some people would just say to make a wish, right?

Here recently the same thing happen in Reno where my business is really exceling and once again late at night while walking through an empty University football field I saw even a larger falling star but it all of a sudden fizzeled out before reaching earth and then a large jet flew over in the same area.

So what does this mean to you?




  1. Honestly, there are lots of legends about these in folklore. In most European legends, they were a sign that you were lucky (making a wish is from British Isle folklore). However, in the Greek and most Mesopotamian folklore, they were a lesser omen of ill fortune. Seeing a comet was almost universally considered a bad sign, but a falling star was harder to pin down, apparently. Either that, or different people had different luck at different times.

    The short of it is, there were all kinds of indicators and omens surrounding political life in the ancient world, and a falling star was considered an omen. Exactly what is an argument waiting to happen.

    If you believe it's good luck, then it could be saying that travel will bring good fortune. If it's bad luck, it might be telling you not to fly. Who knows? I tend to tell people to follow their own intuitions on stuff like this.

  2. I've been told all my life that it is good luck to see a falling star and to wish on it. How lucky you are!

  3. I always just thought it meant that you should make a wish! I've seen 2 myself ...mind you I'm still waiting on that Ferrari! lol

  4. the first one was real - a meteorite or something.  but the second one was probly just a flare.  army practice most likely (cuz the fizzling and the jet flying over - was it red? then it's almost def. a flare)

  5. i agree they lucky

  6. I don't think they're falling stars, I think they're meteors.

  7. People usually say one should make a wish once one sees a shooting star.

    Ancient civilizations weren't scientifically advanced and had this way of interpreting the natural phenomena by explaining them as myths, omens or signs.

    In fact, a shooting star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere. A shooting star is also broken pieces of meteors that have become broken off in space.

  8. A shooting star is called a meteor.

    Once it hits the ground it's a meteorite.

    A chunk of rock and iron.

    It glows because it hits the upper atmosphere at 20,000 mph.

    The friction of the air heats the rock and iron until it is red hot.

    This is the falling star you see.

    Nothing more than a rock.

    Common as cows if you look up once in a while.

  9. Every time a star falls (aka a shooting star) an angel has lost their wings. And When the star falls it brings good luck to those who saw the star fall because they saw it fall from the heavens.

  10. It need to make a wish, it won't come true anyways.... ;)

  11. the last meteor shower we had last august i wished , i saw 5 shooting stars ( which i think shooting stars are the same as meteors) but i frgot what i wished for...

  12. According to ancient times, shooting stars predicts calamities and wrath, to see one means a calamity will follow.


  13. to make a wish that i wouldn't usually make =]

  14. Some people say they are falling angels, faeries, or any manor of things.

    I personally don't think there is anything supernatural about them.

  15. Some people think it means theres a fallen angel and someone near you has died. Others think you can wish upon a shooting star.

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