
What does it take for a Republican to abandon his party?

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I've been here a long time. I remember all those Republicans who declared they'd never vote for McCain if he got nominated and the GOP would lose their vote but now support McCain just the same. Now there's the Palin choice, by most credible sources described as irresponsible and reckless.

So my question is what if anything would it take for Republicans to really break with the party




  1. It would take an IQ over 75 and a willingness to look at real news that had not been written to cater to Republican viewpoints.

  2. the party woukld have to become socialist. The actions of palins child are not Palins actions. If Obama and Biodens family are off limits then you liberals should respect the familys off conservatives also or risk another charge of being hypocrites.....and by the way Plains grandchild has nothing to do with ANTWERP OR INTNATIONAL SOCIALISM.

  3. This election is a moratorium on Obama and socialism. Not McCain.  

  4. The "true" Repub. will go down with the ship.....they are trying to convince themselves that Palin is the best thing since Mother Teresa....

    McCain has shot himself in the foot.....her credentials were secondary...she is on the ticket for the female factor only......but the dyed in the wool Repub. will stick to the party line touting her VIRTUE:ie the baby & standing by her under aged preg. daughter..

    She wants to force her agenda on that by LAW we would all HAVE TO DO WHAT SHE DOES and have NO CHOICES........

  5. In this case, nothing. Obama is such a serious threat to this country that any patriotic American would vote for McCain. Also most credible sources do not say the choice of Palin was reckless. The proof that Palin was a great choice can be seen all over YA since friday. Liberals are becoming unhinged. They are attacking her family and turning every stone to dig up dirt on her. They are even making c**p up on their own. I hope they are making you proud.

  6. If he would of chose Liberman (although I like him, just wouldnot of be good together). Or Tom Ridge (he is good also, but wasn't good as homeland sercurity)

  7. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN,mccain chose the right person and that makes up for some of his short comings! democrats,the enemy within.!!

  8. get this though your head kid.......most republicans are voting against Obama.

    A true republican will stand against the scocialist agenda of the Democrats.

  9. Nothing. If the Republican party started ww3 they would find a way to blame it on someone else and keep on cheering. They are the party of the rich and the close minded. They care more about shoving the Bible down people's throats than how the most vulnerable are treated in this country. They do not practice their religion or their  "family values," they just scream about abortion and homosexuals. I've had it with that party, They had their chance an look where they took us. It's our time now.

  10. A good strong Democrat nominee.  They keep letting me down..

  11. Herbert Hoover.

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