
What does it take for an issue to draw attention and participation of non activists?

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An example of this was a protest that took place yesterday in my home town (Olympia, WA) where close to 200 activists protested the unloading of military cargo at the port.

Here's the link to the article covering it including a video clip:

My question is that even though it's great to see a relatively large turnout for events such as this, what factors must come into play to engage Joe Lunchpale and Jane Soccermom instead of just those who are already involved?




  1. It has to affect them personally or offend them personally. People don't get involved with things that don't affect them, as sad as that is.

  2. it takes pain to motivate change things for the better..... the TV is too interesting in america

    and sometimes hatred or judgments

    racism or religious judgment are examples...

  3. No draft. It’s that simple.

  4. Here's another theory:

    We protest, we write letters, we have articles published in our little community then we get audited ....again and again and again.  Nothing to hide but the IRS says year after year that our 'proof' isn't good enough. (I'm talking folks that make 60,000 a year). So then we owe with interest that's compounded like HOURLY.

    Some folks are being scared into silence, it's true.

    Just a thought .


  5. some people will never actively participate - more more people will be involved when they have hope it will make a difference - that will require leaders - lots of leaders and the belief that they can make a difference.

  6. The issue must be presented in terms that awaken their self interest.  When the issue is a reduction of municipal services to their community, be it reduction in public transportation, elimination of after school programs, cut backs in maintenance of their public parks or non enforcement of building and zoning codes.  

    Unloading of military cargo must be related to the horrendous cost of the Iraq war and how the public debt will effect the taxpayers for decades.

  7. Why would people be protesting the off-loading of military equipment?  The reason the equipment was off-loaded and then sent to Ft. Lewis is that the unit is returning from deployment.

    Why not protest the loading of equipment on ships that are heading to the Middle East?  Or does that make too much sense?

    BTW.  Why would I protest the war?  I have already been mobilized once and have been asked to volunteer for another deployment.

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