
What does it take to be Varsity quarterback

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Im a sophomore in high school. this season im going to be the starting quarterback on the jv football team. ive been told by coaches that im expected to be the replace the varsity quaterback once he graduates this year. What are some qualities of a solid high school quarterback?




  1. Depends on how the offense is set up.Options/Running it scheme or Balance or Air it out kind.But one thing you always need is mechanics,got you get those right.Got to be able to make those quick step drops or the 7 step drop.Being able to pick up on blitz and read coverages.Dont overload yourself but just pick up on simple things.Accuraccy and Arm strength are important but can be improved down the line.

  2. Give your retirement speech, then unretire demanding to start or else you want traded. Then ask for a guaranteed contract with all of the player options such as your own jacuzzi on the bus.

  3. To be a good Varsity QB, being able to throw the ball is the most important thing. That is what a QB does. Sure, it helps to be mobile in the pocket, have good vision and all that, but for now, focus on throwing the ball accurately and with some good zip. Ask the current Varsity QB for advice as well. He obviously knows the team, the playbook and everything else you will need to know. Good luck.

  4. accurate arm, powerful arkm, know the plays and audibles, smart decsion making, pick up blitzes, pay attention to flim classes when u do them !!! and get good grades and stay out of trouble, im not a qb but this works for our qbs and ours are really really really good

  5. Work ethic-be willing to be the first one to practice and the last one to leave, and take advantage of time in the weight room.

    Attention to detail-Work each week on perfecting some small part of your game (i.e. footwork, read-progressions, releases, etc.).

    Commitment to watching film-Watch yourself and other quarterbacks who run the same system to see what you can correct.  Watch opponent film to prepare for the up-coming contests.

    Leadership-Be positive, but demand the best from all of your teammates.

  6. Ask your coaches these type of not trying to bust your balls or anything im just sayin coaches respect that alot they will know you are really interested and will gain alot of respect for you if you are not afraid to ask them this kind of stuff

    Oh yeah and at any level the QB needs to show the linemen some love and be cool with them like no other player me cuz if your lineman doesnt think you respect them they will not play to thier full potental even though they may be trying hard they always work better when respected by the qb

    and study as much film about your opposing defense as you can even go to other teams games on your off week if you have to....

  7. well the first thing you need to do is go on yahoo answers and ask a bunch of people all day, then play some madden online, and whatever you do don't go outside and throw footballs at a tire or something, i mean that may have worked for unitus but this is 2008, that's just ridiculous

  8. Don't be scared to let the ball go and let it fly. But most importantly, manage the game. Don't go out there with the mind to throw 6 Touchdown passes. Go out there and play football, and see what happens.  

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