
What does it take to be a doctor?

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What I mean is, what personal strength and qualities are favourable or even experience?

Surgery, optometry or dentistry included. And what's some good stuff to write on medicine applications as to why one would want this?

Will choose a best answer,





  1. a simple answer, alot.

    Becoming a doctor requires more training than most other jobs. It usually takes at least 11 years to become a doctor: 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years working in a hospital. For some specialties, doctors may have to work in a hospital for up to 8 years before they are trained.

    To become a doctor, you should study biology, chemistry, physics, math, and English. It is not easy to get into medical school. You have to do very well in college and on medical school entrance tests.

    Students spend most of the first 2 years of medical school in labs and classrooms. They take lots of science courses. They also learn to ask patients the right questions and how to examine them. They learn how to tell what sickness a patient has. In the last 2 years, students work with patients and doctors in hospitals and clinics. After medical school, doctors go to work in a hospital for a few years. They are called residents. To be a resident, you must take a test.

    If you want to be a doctor, you should like to help people. You should be willing to study a lot.

    You have to know how to talk to sick people. And you should be able to make decisions and handle emergencies.

    (referenced from

  2. A lot of determination, smarts, drive, and quick thinking.  Anything in the medical profession, from nursing to being a physician to being an EMT requires all of these things.  You have to be smart, fast on your feet, have to have a desire to help others, and you have to be willing to go to school and study HARD.

  3. You need a degree in medicine or surgery--then get your registration from medical association.Start practise

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