
What does it take to be a good dance teacher?

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I just got an offer to be a dance teacher! It is really exciting because I love to dance and like teaching others about dance. However, have not formally taught at a studio before and am quit nervous. I want to know what you, as students of dance are looking for and what advise can be given. It would really help and maybe calm my nerves a little! Thanks!




  1. I'm going to start teaching ballet in just a week! I'm also a student at the same time though.

    I really like my dance teacher. She is soooo nice. She maintains a level of discipline in the class but also gives us the encouragement each dancer needs to keep motivated. She of course gives a lot more compliments to the younger dancers than she does the older dancers because us older dances are pretty much self-motivated. But non-the less she is an awesome teacher. She is also very laid back. (except around performance times. lol) and takes the time to get to know her students very well. (asking them questions about the vacations and weekends, etc. ) She makes her phone number and email available if we have any questions or need to talk about something. She's a very awesome teacher!

  2. I've had a few dance teachers in my dance history and I'll tell you what makes me like my favorite teacher so much. First off, she's enthusiastic; she loves dance as much as we do, and she wants and likes to teach us just as much as we want to learn...I think it helps when the teacher likes their job. :)  And she helps us in an encouraging way, y'know? Like- no one would ever feel like a bad dancer for not being able to do something...she's not mean about stuff like that. She encourages us to try again, push ourselves, take risks as dancers. Also, she's very big on our opinions about everything (what type of music we want, what we want to get out of dancing, what we want to improve on and learn as dancers, etc.). Andddd lastly, she doesn't pick favorites. ;)

    So good luck! I hope this helps, and I hope you have fun teaching!

  3. i used to loooveee ballet.. but my ballet teacher killed my passion for it. she really did.. she strived too hard to have the class learn things. she pushed us and pushed us, which was great, because we learnt quickly.. but we were all miserable, and we didnt truly enjoy ballet for what it was. i later quit her class and got into one with a much better teacher, who still pushed for us to do our best.. she was so nice. lol. but yes, a few examples from my 1st teacher of what not to do:

    do not walk around with a meter stick and either (1) hit your kids in the back when they were not standing straight or (2) tape the ruler to the kids back so they would stand up straight. do not put tacs under their feet when doing an excersize or move that consists of remaining on toes.

    i look for a teacher who can push, but can also leave room for learning and time. =)


  4. Well, I'm a dancer myself and  really want to learn choreography that are original and cool at the same time. More on modern techno moves. Youths are usually on the hiphop, freestyle, krump and stomping is cool. Just check out Jabbawockies on youtube and you will be amazed what kids are really into. Also, play hiphop songs like maybe low by tpain ^_^

  5. good choice of music...conversation need to be cheerful...enjoying life every second.

  6. As long as you have the passion and the love for dancing, You can do it!

  7. for me, the more upbeat an instructor is the better.  when an instructor is visibly enjoying teaching, it makes the students relax as well.  

    i personally liked it when my professors would explain movements in detail, how the movement would feel in your body, what you can picture in your head to get a better feel, but of course that all depends on how advanced the class is you're going to be teaching, cuz if they are, they'll more than likely not need the explanation and they'll just follow you, i just liked the explanations cuz it made me and my body feel more involved.  

    also, if you are going to be doing the explaining, explain it to the class as a whole, people have a tendency to clam up when you single them out, i've seen it happen to others, one where the girl even left the classroom crying...i don't remember if she came back in that day, and i've had it happen to me and it just makes for a horrible experience altogether.

    if you notice someone still struggling, talk with them on the water break.  i've learned this technique called 'the sandwich'  where you start off with complimenting the dancer's effort, then you give them a bit of correction, then you sandwich it with another compliment, so that the dancer doesn't take a hit to their ego ya know?  

    hope that helps some! and don't be nervous, you were selected to teach for a reason! remember the students are more than likely just as nervous as you are but once you get past that, it'll be so much fun!  :)

    have an excellent first day!

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