
What does it take to be a good president?

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I am a young teenager and I want to grow up to be the first jewish president. I want to know every skill, every characteristic and everything you need to learn to become president. Even the obvious ones like smart and good public speaking skills. I also want to know what I should major in in college. I know the chances of me becoming president are really low but I want to try my best.




  1. You have a chance as well as anyone. Become a Governor.If you can govern a state that's a good clue. Find a summer job with a senator,you may change your mind. Volunteer at a Presidential Candidate's headquarters.You need great sums of money.A President needs to be a leader.That will mean making unpopular decisions.Surround yourself with people of high morals.Study American and Foreign History.Alway's be a man of your word.Always think of the good of the nation and not a few groups.Study and be prepared to defend the Constitution.Know your citizens from the ground up.Good Luck

  2. Read the Constitution. It lays out how to impeach a president in all the detail anyone needs.

    Clintoon WAS impeached. He just wasn't convicted because the gutless Senate refused to allow the testimony of witnesses against him.

    What crimes has Jorge Bush committed other than refusing to enforce the immigration laws of our country?

    If he lied about WMD, then so did Tony Blair and all the Senators (read their speeches in the Congressional Record) who read the same intelligence as did Bush and came to the same conclusions.

    90% of Americans have such short, bovine memories! Like the sheeple that most of them are, they forget from one day to the next the crimes and misdemeanors of the politicians in Washington, and keep re-electing the same crooks over and over again! BOTH parties are guilty! But it really rubs me raw to hear the dimmocraps accuse the repooplicans of doing exactly what the dimmocraps have been doing for the last 30 years and gotting away with it with no challenge from the Media.

    Ha! ... the Media. They are supposed to be the watchdogs of government, but they fail their task miserably. That's why I can no longer support EITHER party or pay attention to any network news!

    The downfall of America is the fact that we now have the professional politicians we have saddled ourselves with, and America will NOT be America again until we get rid of every last one of 'em, either by the ballot box or the cartridge box!

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