
What does it take to be a good teacher?

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What does it take to be a good teacher?




  1. Patience, patience, patience!

  2. Thats easy. Dont be mean to the kids. And kids hate homework so dont give them any. Just think if you were a kid did you like having homework? Didn't think so. So take this advice it will work.

  3. Patience. Flexiblity. The ability to laugh at yourself. Realizing that there are no BAD kids, just good kids who behave badly sometimes (this is the HARDEST for me). Not taking things personally.

  4. - fairness

    - respect

    - role model

    - person who can have some fun

    - does take their personal agenda into their job, taking their bad days out on the kids

    - friendly

    - caring (or at least pretend)

    - wisedom

    - easily approachable

    - does not use textbooks as the only means of research

    - easy going

    - flexablility with scedules

    - commitment

    - ability to be social and have a good time/talk with students, and still get through lessons

    There are heaps of things that teachers need. I personally am  looking into teaching for a future employment prospect, however, at the moment i am clearly observing what i like about the teachers i get along with and why they are good teachers and those were some of my results.

    Good luck! xoxo.

  5. Dedication to the profession.  Knowing that it isn't just a 8-3, summer's off job.  Patience with your students, their parents and your co-workers. Willingness to keeping your skills current.  And being prepared.

  6. Dedication.













    Believe in Your Self and Your Students.

  7. dont be mean, u can give homework for nerds (no offence to nerds)  but say they dont have to do it, do a fun game at the end of the lesson,      KIDZ WILL LOVE U

  8. You have to love children or adolescents because they are your clients and need you.

    You need to be fair and firm in your dealings with students who will accept almost anything provided they think that teachers are fair.

    You need to be able to listen to what students are telling you.

    You need patience, because you need to repeat things often.

    You need creativity because you need to be able to repeat things without sounding as if you are repeating it.

    You need to be logical because when you are teaching you have to be able to go from beginning to end so that everything makes sense.

    You need a sense of humor because you'll meet really interesting situations that  only humor can help you deal with them.

    You have to have passion for what you are doing because if you are bored, students will be bored too.

    This is not a complete list, but it gives you an idea.  If you are suited, you will really enjoy it.

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