
What does it take to be a man?

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What does it take to be a man?




  1. The right set of chromosomes

  2. This my be one of the best questions I've ever seen on here.  

    The answer however isn't an easy one.  There isn't just one thing that you can do to become a man.  It isn't just having the right Chromosomes.  It isn't something that just happens on a certain birthday either.  There are a lot of males who never become men, they are just grown boys.

    A man is someone who isn't afraid to love his family...

    A man is someone who works not until his fingers bleed, but beyond that, he works until the job is done, because he knows that is what he should do...

    A man takes care of his family.  Not just his wife and children, but his wife's family and the family who raised him if need be, because he knows it is the right thing to do...

    A man doesn't spend his time fishing with his buddies, but rather he spends his time raising his children and loving his wife because they are what really matters to him...

    A man believes in fairness and honesty.  He is fair and honest with everyone he comes in contact with and requires the same from them...

    A man bows his head and prays to the Lord without shame...

    A man will shed tears without shame...

    There is so much more...

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