
What does it take to be a "Higher Power"?

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I would like to know the qualifications.




  1. divide and conquer, get people on your side

  2. A big round belly like Buddha. HAHAHA!!!

  3. Passive/aggressive tendencies.

    Predeliction for bullying.

  4. for higher power, you need to eat more pasta!

  5. Many humans were worshiped throughout history as gods. The Japanese emperors, the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman Emperors; all of them were official deities within their state religion, and yet there are very few who honor them as deities today (though a few who worship the Japanese Emperor as a deity still remain.) The main problem with these individuals is that as their state backing declined, their religious stature did, as well. Despite that, there is no reason why you couldn't follow in their footsteps. True they're just humans, but even humans can potentially be regarded as gods...

    Study. If you want to achieve power among the masses, you must at least have some sort of special intelligence or ability. Be a brilliant tactician/strategist, strive to be a resourceful and competent leader. If possible, get an IQ higher than 120.

  6. takes over a million or a few thousand diehard believers in that higher power!  

  7. In the classic 12 step definition, it's a force you say is greater than yourself.  I know someone who used their bowling ball as a higher power.  No lie.

  8. are you on crack again?

  9. Evolve into a fourth dimensional being or higher.

  10. the ability to sh*t on people at will without them being able to sh*t on you back

  11. supercharged turbo V8 with a big bonnet scoop and an intercooler

  12. I've never encountered one, but for me it would have to be something which *demonstrably* had abilities which defied the universe's natural laws and which couldn't be explained in any other way.

    Hence never having encountered one.

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