
What does it take to be a sucsessful manager in prowrestling and make it to the top.?

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What does it take to be a sucsessful manager in prowrestling and make it to the top.?




  1. A whole lot more than you've got.

  2. A lot. But first and foremost, you have to be passionate about it.

    Learn about the business, study great managers (Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Freddie Blassie, etc, etc), learn the role of a manager (you should never outshine the person you're managing, your job is to get THEM over - not yourself, etc, etc) and practice! When you feel you know enough - get in touch with a local wrestling fed and express your interest.

    Don't expect to make it to the WWE any time soon. In fact, don't even expect to make to to the level of ROH any time in the near future. If you're really serious and dedicated though, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

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