
What does it take to be a teacher?

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I plan on going to college for the fall semester. The only problem is that I'm not exactly sure what to do. My MBTI test said that I would make a good early childhood teacher. I'm just not really sure. I have no experience with children, other than my own little sister. And I hated school. What skills are needed and what exactly does it take to be a teacher?




  1. think about what you really wnat to do what would make you happy

  2. I would get into the classroom.   Try to observe and participate in a variety of grades to get your feel for kids in general.   Teaching is wonderful, but a lot of work, patience, planning, creating, parenting, duscipline, etc....    In the state of Wisconsin you need 300 hours working with kids prior to graduation.    Check out your local universities and  colleges and see what the requirements are over and above the 4 year degree.  

    Just because you hated school it does not mean you will hate teaching, but the attitude you bring to the classroom makes all the difference in the world.

  3. To be a teacher you will need a four year degree in education.  You can be a teacher's aid or paraprofessional.  This usually doesn't require any education, as the training and continuing education is provided by the school.  The pay is significantly less, but you also have less responsibilities. check out this website for more information on being an early elementary teacher...

    I am glad that you took the MBTI.  It is a great assessment to take when looking at careers.  Check out the book "Do What You Are" by Tieger and Tieger (look at your local library for it, or they can order it for you).  The book will outline other careers that match your code and why.

    I am a school counselor and have worked with hundreds of students and parents.  The same questions about how to find the right college, plan for college, or exploring careers keep coming up.  I decided to set up some online classes (self paced) to answer many of your questions and activities to help in the process.  My site is located at and type in my name "Kerrie."

  4. Some questions to ask yourself. Are you patient?  Even-tempered?  Can you control yourself?  Can you be a good role model?  Can you handle stress?  Can you look for the best in every situation?  Are you organized?  Do you enjoy helping others?  If you have these traits, observe/work in a classroom, that is the only way to really know.

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