
What does it take to be an American?

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What makes you an American?




  1. being born here or becoming naturalized here.

  2. The land of the free and the home of the:____________

    Home of the whopper?

  3. As long as you live in America you are considered one. To be REAL American though, you need to have Native American blood in you. Everyone else are technically immigrants.

  4. Being born with native blood

    セクシーな女性 what a fantastic out look you have and how very gracious you are.


  5. To be an American takes allot of patience and money.

  6. Like Superman said when someone asked him why he did it. " Truth, Justice, and the American Way. " Which to me is being able to say what i want, go where i want, and do what i want, so long as it doesn't hurt anybody.

  7. To my standards been born with in the boundaries of the American Continent, no less?.  

  8. I was born in America

  9. A green card, plus we don't want you people here, try Germany i hear it is quite nice this time of year.

  10. Born here

  11. Well, I'm not brainwashed, speak my mind yet don't constantly b*tch, constantly seek knowledge, love to travel abroad, watch international multimedia, and took advantage of all the American Way of Life had to offer... So that kind'a makes me the "Anti-American"...

    Americans that are BORN HERE, in the majority, tend to not take advantage of everything that people that come here from oppressive or poverty stricken countries come here for!

    Freedom of speech...

    The opportunity for wealth if you are willing to work for it...

    Having a say in the political arena...

    Americans tend to take everything we have for granted and don't realize that people die for their right to do nothing with their lives yet constantly b*tch and moan about how THEY know better then those we elected to run the country.

    I LOVE being an American... ESPECIALLY since I am female and have seen the HORRORS of what being a female in a majority of the world entails...

    But I'm ashamed at how most of my fellow Americans waste their opportunities and do nothing but focus on 'causes' instead of attempting to make the nation as a WHOLE a better place...

    Like how the last election was won on a single issue... g*y Marriage...

    As if that were the ONLY important thing on earth... That made me physically ill to realize that two people finding love and calling it "Evil" was the ONE AND ONLY thing that was spoken about as the lead in to the election.

    It makes me sick that people with TOO MUCH FOOD feel they have the right to tell the 3rd world what they can and cannot eat... That we tend to just believe whatever the special interest groups like P.E.T.A. and Greenpeace tell us about such things as global commerce and Genetically Modified Foods...

    How can anyone actually believe that they put Rat DNA in corn and that there is NO GOVERNMENTAL OVERSIGHT for these products?


    We, as a country have so much free speech that we feel it is our right to attempt to ban any speech that we disagree with!

    That goes against the very concept of "Freedom of Speech"! Freedom of Speech exists to PROTECT speech that you disagree with!


    I could go on all day...

    I LOVE America but hate what all our freedom has done to the small minded... It is sad, it is pathetic... And I live my whole life in the futile attempt to get people to do some research BEFORE they make up their minds... To actually READ SOME DOCUMENTATION before just blindly following groups that claim to be for the greater good but are nothing but a political movement in disguise... (Again, PETA and Greenpeace are examples of this...)

    I know I may never live to see our country become self aware once again, but I can dream...

  12. there is no real definition of an American. what sucks the most is that i'm told i'm a bad American because I do not believe in the human rights violations that this country does. I am told I am a bad American because I let it be known that I do not support our current administration. For me using my rights makes me an American

  13. nothing. just living in this country makes you one.  

  14. When you live in America.

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