
What does it take to be considered a "psychic"? Any ideas how to better my experiment?

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I have always hated the idea of psychics or clairvoyants unfortuneatly I was recently accused of being just such a person. So in the midst of this accusation I decided to conduct a test. I did some research and found many types of clairvoyant but my friend told me I was "scarishly" good at predicting the future. During my research I discovered many claim a sense of Deja Vu accompanies psychic events. So I developed an experiment in which everytime I felt a Deja Vu moment I stopped and using a note book would write down unusual events or what people would say before it happened/ was said.

At the conclusion of my experiment I found that I was able to accurately predict unusual events about 67% of the time. In addition I was able to write statements that were close to what a person was gonna say 74% of the time and was able to predict word for word sentences nearly 40% of the time.

I was mortified by my success rate being a person who has always avoided the Psychic trap.




  1. Mmmhmm, that's great.  Sounds like you're the first to finally do it.  With numbers like that you shouldn't have any problem claiming your prize:

  2. "nothing is written in stone till it is already done" and also your premonitions can happen years later

  3. Nice idea about keeping a journal. Documentation is always the first step. However I agree with Thought Bandit's answer. If you know your friends well and have a lot in common with them, it wouldn't be too terribly surprising that you have a good success rate predicting what they would say.

  4. u have to be able to predict the future by seeing it. and it has to be correct!

  5. Nobody's perfect. Those are good percentages. You're becoming "aware". These things happen to a lot of people..but they ignore them or call them coincidences..if they even notice it happened. Read the Resolved Questions on here. You'll probably be able to identify with lots of other people's experiences and abilities. Good Luck.

  6. The best thing for your experiment!Bring it out in the open.Up to now I would have said.A psychic is either deluding themselves or their followers.With these figures and documentation I may have to revise my opinion..I should be reading soon about your discovery.It will after all be a major news story.                                                                                                         I wish you luck,but before I throw out my opinions.I'll need a little more then your word.Many claims and boasts are made at Y/A.None so far have been backed up or demonstrated.I've got a good feeling about this one.

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