
What does it take to become a female police officer?

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What does it take to become a female police officer?




  1. Excess testosterone.

  2. Each department,( city,state, county) have their own requirements.  Most do not differentiate between genders.

  3. take a pounding.....(if you know what I mean) he he

  4. Because of Affirmative Action, it is a tad bit easier for you to get a job.  For my department:

    A white male needs a 98% average score to be accepted in, a white female needs a 95%... a black female needs 58%.

    It depends on your race also.

    You can thank our Liberal friends for this so called "equality".  It makes me sick.

  5. The same as it would for a man to be one. Only, you need a little more back bone. Go to your local college and find out about the law enforcement programs they have going on. Or, go online, and find out if your local police station has a training going on that you can sign up for....etc.

  6. Being manly.

  7. Same a a male police officer

  8. Feminism.

    Illogical desire to be a ***** to make up for the years when women were actually oppressed (because they're not now, sorry).

    Requirements for being a police officer, man or woman:

    Desire to constantly point out what other people are doing wrong AKA being a negative person.

    Desire to ruin someone's day/week/month/year/life for no logical reason.... just because *in Drill Sargent voice* IT'S THE LAW .

  9. ovaries and the desire to uphold the law.

  10. wow, theres a lot of negative people on here!

    In order to be a female officer, you need to trust yourself and your actions. You also need to be able to think quickly and act correctally. It is quintessential to have quick decision making skills  and "verbal judo" in order to protect youself and help those you serve.

    As far as physical strength goes, you need to have some muscle, but when youre taking down a suspect its more about technique than power (but you will learn that in the academy)

    You also must have the desire to serve and protect your town/city/state and be willing to lay your life down for people you dont even know, if the time comes.

    Basically, everything is the same as if you were a male, minus the easier PT tests.  

    Everything you need to know will be taught at the academy, so dont wory about that - all you have to bring to the table is your desire to help.

    oh, one last thing, you also have to be prepared to commit your life to a thankless career. most people think cops are the WORST things, untill they call 911 and want one to defend them in an emergency. Officers, female or not, do not recieve as many thanks as they deserve.

    Good Luck!

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